B. Rucy


So, you want to write a thesis? Good, then you came to the right place.

My research field is quite practical, and mostly hovers around writing fast and efficient interpreters for query languages, such as SQL and Datalog, and reasoners for formal logics.

The centrepiece of my research can be found in our group's materialized view toolkit: https://github.com/brurucy/shapiro and it is quite likely that whatever thesis you take on would incur adding to that repository, also, I strictly work only with Rust, Go however, could be used as an exception.

I very highly value approaching research exactly as a regular software engineering job. Working with me means that I will mentor you in git hygiene, and will (most likely) review every single pull request you will make, hence as to why I only work with languages that I am very confident with.

Most specifically, I could provide supervision in the following domains:

  • Implementation of query evaluators
  • Evaluating experimental data structures
  • Evaluating query plan or program optimisations and optimisers
  • Large-scale experimental query evaluation
  • Logic reasoning with machine learning

Contact for more info: B. Rucy (bruno.rucy.carneiro.alves.de.lima@ut.ee)